Why rooftop solar and storage offers a viable future for India?

The union government's target is around producing 40 gigawatts of rooftop solar by 2022, which is solely unrealistic. It is because the country could only produce 4.4 gigawatts of rooftop solar energy till 31st March 2021, as per the union ministry of renewable and new energy.

There are some supportive policies and innovative technological approaches in place which are needed for the sector to achieve its potential. Indian policymakers need to think and plan for additional rooftop solar storage instead of just rooftop solar with great storage. The combination increasingly becomes budget friendly for electricity generation as compared to the regular grid supply and diesel generators.

Solar and storage in 2021 were cheaper as compared to the grid supply for most commercial and industrial customers as per the new report or the research done by the institute for energy economics and financial analysis.

What does the government look forward to?

It was found that the revised cost for energy for one meter what rooftop solar system can couple to 250 kilowatts of energy storage featuring a backup of around 4 hours. The same can easily be reduced to the cost of ₹6.6 to 6.8 4 kW by 2022. This is less than the excellent rate for most consumers and below the cost of power which is produced by diesel generators.

The increase in the usage of rooftop solar in the distribution grade will have a significant impact on the stability of the great. Additionally, the union government program of electrifying transportation will witness several vehicles getting connected on the low voltage distribution grade, which will put a lot of stress on the advocate infrastructure already.

The grid needs to be flexible and intelligent to integrate rooftop solar and electric vehicles. Energy storage systems will also play a significant role in providing this flexibility by acting as a load while there is a surplus generation in generating sources when there is a supply shortage. It will then stabilize the great and smoothen the output of the solar rooftop.

The ever-declining cost of storage solutions besides the rooftop solar solution is most likely to change the Indian power sector's future. Major countries like the Australia United States of America, and Germany have already started using solar power with battery storage.

The rooftop solar with the storage system is perfect for both consumers and Power Distribution companies. There are generally two main methods of integrating the battery storage in the electric great. One which is implemented at the utility-scale for the battery would be connected to the transmission of the distribution network that ensures the reliability of the grid. It happens on a considerably colossal scale and is termed the front of the meter application stationery storage. The other method is then implemented at the commercial or industrial level, that is, to provide backup during power failure go to store extra locally generated energy from the solar rooftop photovoltaic systems.

These applications are known as behind-the-meter storage. All over the world, energy storage has been picking up generally on the utility-scale and is slowly making its way to the bottom storage sector. As per the recent report by Bloomberg, utility-scale applications will dominate the total number of energy storage installations by 2040.

Recently in India, a number of storage tenders have been floated, pushing together large-scale solar wind projects. The government will start floating tenders for sourcing around 4000 MWh of battery storage power and renewable energy.